2021: It’s About to Go Down! Not Literally Speaking! by Klassy K

2021: It’s About to Go Down! Not Literally Speaking! by Klassy K

Home Skillets! Happy New Year to all of you. Yeah, I know it has been a minute, but I know you can probably understand why. With 45’s followers trying to attempt to shut down the government not to certify President Biden’s win, they decided to start a ‘revolution,’ but some ended up getting arrested and killed. It’s a disgrace to our democracy, to say the least, but I guess I was trying to figure out what were they trying to accomplish?

Maybe you can feel me in Home Skillets because I often wonder whether it was an “inside” job to try to stall the certification of the electoral votes. Well, guess what, their antics did not work. On Wednesday, we all witnessed greatness and history, and I am so happy that my children and I could see it. I wish my father were here, but I know he was looking down from above and smiling, saying, “This is how you make America GREAT again.” I agree, Dad.

Now that the inauguration has come and gone, some of us showed respect to the First Madame Vice President, Mrs. Kamala Harris, by wearing “pearls” and “Converses.” I thought that was really creative! Women, girls, and young ladies from all over the world witnessed a bi-racial African American and Asian woman sworn in, and if that alone does not give you chills of excitement, then you’re a hater! Just kidding! I cried a little because I never thought that this day would ever come, but I am a living witness that “her” story will go down in history. Now I must throw in there that she is an HBCU graduate (Howard University) and a member of the first African American sorority of Alpha Kappa Alpha, founded at Howard University. I think First looks good on Kamala, wouldn’t you agree?

2020 was an awful year, and I hope that 2021 will be WAP (Worthy and Prosperous)! Gotcha! People died, 45 lied, racial injustice, people unemployed, businesses shut down due to the coronavirus, Lions fired head coach Matt Patricia, Pistons record continues to suck, which is now 3-11, and the Red Wings are still trying to find their leader in Captain Dylan Larkin.

The good news is the Detroit Lions have hired new head coach Dan Campbell who is already being scrutinized for saying some “anti-gay” remarks back in college. Really? Why does the media always try to dig up some controversy from back when cassette players were the only thing we could listen to music back in the day? I hope Dan doesn’t coach the way he played when he was on the Detroit Lions. The Lions also hired a new general manager Brad Holmes. Home Skillets he fine, only 41 years old, African American male and a tall glass of hot cocoa. Sorry, ya’ll he married and with children. I know got ya’ll all hot and bothered, and then I rain on ya’ll parade.

I will be optimistic about 2021 Home Skillets, hoping that President Joseph Biden Jr. keeps his campaign promises. Trust me, I have them archived, and I am prepared to remind him that Sallie Mae is waiting by the phone, and all they need in writing is permission to delete all Americans’ student loans. Well, except those who still believe that 45 would get four more years and will never claim President Biden as their president, let them suffer! I’m not going to lie.

I hope President Biden would hurry up and send that $1,400 expeditiously! To all the 46 haters that don’t want anything from our 46th President Biden and 1st Madame V.P Harris, please return that money to sender, the Department of Treasury. Better yet, you can give it to someone that would greatly appreciate it. Stay safe!

-Klassy K’s Sports Korner: a contributing writer for http://www.aheartfullofconversations.com