What the World Needs Now by Butch Ford


World needs now

What the World Needs Now by Butch Ford

As I look at the state of the world today, I can’t help but think about how things used to be.  When we respected our elders, education was paramount and there was unity and structure among families.  The neighborhoods and communities policed themselves.  Peace and harmony were a way of life.  But things are very different now.  And it’s difficult to watch how far we’ve fallen as a People (African Americans).  It’s deeply concerning.  Our Civil Rights Pioneers are probably rolling over in their graves.

We’re so accepting of mediocrity and underachievement.  What happened to the once proud, determined race who were driven by Faith?  A lot has changed since those days.  Currently, that’s too lengthy of a discussion.  But sadly, we lack direction.  And it’s going to take a lot of hard work, a change of philosophy/focus and some positive leadership to restore our purpose.  Radio, television and video games are poisoning a whole generation.

Today…in the social media era, people are more concerned with likes, followers and views…more so than they are with morals, values and self-respect.  The world is extremely selfish and monetarily driven.  Our role models have dissolved…or just refuse to lead by example.  The love of money is the root of all evil.  And it’s killing us.

Controversy surrounding a sandwich from a fast food establishment, females twerking on video and the recording of physical altercations in public have trumped the more serious issues in our community…i.e.: the kidnapping of our black women and children for the purpose of sex and illegal black-market organ trafficking.  This shit is real.  And we are in danger.  I haven’t even mentioned the resurgence of The Klan yet.

We must find a way to take back control of our communities.  And it starts in our homes.  Parents…we must do a better job of preparing our youth for the real world.  Teach them right from wrong.  They are our offspring…not our equals.  They are products of their environment who mimic what they see…unless we show them a different way.  We must also allow our educators to effectively do their jobs unapologetically, without stress or worries.  We must hold our children accountable!  Use tough love and discipline!   They yearn for it.

Activities such as: Team Sports, Mentorship Programs and Church Involvement, will help us rebuild decades of hardship and blight that has robbed us of who we are and who we’re meant to be.  Bring back Home Economics, Art, Music and Workshop in schools. Our youth need an outlet.  Allow them to use their minds creatively and utilize these skills to excel.  The trap has been set.  The path has been laid out.  But we can’t continue to fall victim anymore.  This should motivate, and not hinder us anymore.  We must rise above others’ expectations of us.  Let’s do better.

Let’s be more than we’re expected to be.  We are still those same proud, strong and determined people.   What the world needs now is a lot of love and compassion mixed in with a little guidance and direction.


Butch Ford


Trying to Stay Content in the “D” When its Not Your Season by Chellyz View


The Snow

Trying to Stay Content in the “D” When its Not Your Season by Chellyz View

It was Monday, November 11, 2019.  I don’t know why the situation that occurred appeared to be foreign.  I was a grown 40 plus aged woman who was birthed and raised in Detroit aka the “D.”  However, I wasn’t ready. There it was accumulating inch after inch. SNOW!!!!!!

Some people love and sing about, “Dreaming of a White Christmas” or “Let it Snow.”  It wasn’t December 21, 2019.  According to the calendar, winter wouldn’t be welcomed officially until that day.  Huh!  At least for those residing in colder climates.  Due to global warming anything is bound to happen.  Even the warmer states during the latter years of my life have been greeted with….that word?  SNOW!

I dread getting stuck in the snow every winter.  I am embarrassed to tell you on Thursday,  November 14, 2019 my car was temporarily stuck in an unplowed parking lot. I knew I shouldn’t have parked there, but I was in a rush. Thank you to the kind Samaritan who helped me maneuver out of a frustrating situation.  I don’t look forward to slipping and sliding on unsalted roads.  Oh yeah!  I think my tires are good for now until the potholes emerge.  Boots, scarves, hats, and gloves which I do love, always disappear from me.  Once the season is over, I have unmatched sets of gloves left in my vehicle or designated bin in my house.

Oh!  I was supposed to purchase a new winter coat.  My current coat is over nine years old with holes in each pocket.  Hey, I know I will find at least $5.00 in change, a stale piece of candy, and an old piece of tissue floating in the lining. I don’t know about you, but I am never prepared for this season.  Maybe, I am in denial every year about the coldness approaching.  However, just like clockwork, I know the seasons must change.

My question to you is how do you stay content when its so cold during this season?  Well, here are five ways I keep my heart happy during this time of the year:

Live to Give

That’s right give back.  Grab those old coats that are in decent condition and donate.  My children have outgrown several of their coats that can be donated to keep another child warm.  Also, donate items such as hats, gloves, scarves, and socks to a non-profit, school, homeless shelter or local charity.

Find a moment to Volunteer

Volunteering can make you happy! Believe it or not.  I enjoyed reading an article that was posted on a very conscious sister social media page.  It truly examines the importance of how giving can make us happy.   The article is entitled, “Happiness Comes from Giving and Helping, Not Buying and Having.”  Read the article for yourself: https://wakeup-world.com/2015/01/21/happiness-comes-from-giving-and-helping-not-buying-and-having/?fbclid=IwAR3yB8hhJTwY3EhHwcVprNrDAYtekGMKK739h97FtSniZi1oLCND3jO8weo

Also, I am looking forward to volunteering this holiday season.  I have been blessed to cross paths with a group of selfless sisters who are spearheading a volunteer venture.  If you have a few moments to hit that like button or scroll through the social media news feed, then schedule the time to unselfishly make a social impact.  Check out the website: https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/index.jsp?l=DETROIT%2C+MI%2C+USA  There are plenty of opportunities waiting for you to volunteer.

Talk on the phone

Wait a minute!!!!!  You mean you can use the phone for dialing to speak to someone. That’s right!  I am guilty!  I prefer texting any day.  However, somebody would love to hear your voice especially those who are home bound. You remember the lyrics by the Legendary Mr. Wonder?  “I just called to say, I love You.”  Tell someone and mean it from the bottom of your heart!

Escape the Cold

Yep!  We can escape the cold by reading.  Find a good magazine or book that will allow you to travel to another dimension.  Block out everything around you and have an exciting time vacationing without spending the cash.  If you prefer, there’s always audio.  Let someone read to you while you close your eyes and imagine going far away from the harsh elements of the cold.  Don’t know of any good books? Check out an inspiring sister  social media page who loves books and has a substantial amount of recommendations: I Aspire Books @ www.facebook.com/groups/iaspirebooks/

Gratitude can change our Attitude

Some of us can become scrooges at this time of the year.  We work overtime to overspend.  We become stressed about what we can or cannot purchase during this season. Remember there is more to life than giving gifts we may not be able to afford.  That’s a whole post I can testify and write about on another day.  Instead, capture the gift of gratitude and share it with others by simply saying encouraging words or speaking thoughts of positivity to someone who needs an ounce of hope.

The Snow and Me

This season may bring some of you down.  You might suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which usually triggers depression during the colder months. The cold weather might not agree with your bones and causes you to fight a little more to keep moving due to aches and pains.  Or you might be like myself and not a fond lover of the colder season.  As you are going through the motions pause for a few seconds.  Try to generate a helpful list that will aid you in surviving the movement of brisk air and visitation of snowflakes abruptly causing havoc in the “D.”  Be mindful of what keeps your soul warm during this time of year.  Always seek professional help when self-therapy isn’t enough. Share with me how you cope during these cold and dark months and start A Heart Full of Conversations!

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!



Taylor, Dr. Steven.  “Happiness Comes from Giving and Helping, Not Buying and Having.” Wake Up World.  https://wakeup-world.com/2015/01/21/happiness-comes-from-giving-and-helping-not-buying-and-having/?fbclid=IwAR3yB8hhJTwY3EhHwcVprNrDAYtekGMKK739h97FtSniZi1oLCND3jO8weo







“Purplesploitation” by Butch Ford



“Purplesploitation” by Butch Ford

In the 1970’s there was a term called Blaxploitation.  It described an ethnic subgenre of exploitation films made by, of and for African Americans.  But that’s a story for another day and time.  Today, I want to discuss the term “Purplesploitation.”  A term I created just this morning while trying to figure out a way to express my feelings regarding the handling of the legacy of the icon known as Prince.  The heirs of the Prince Estate (his family) have been in constant litigation since his untimely passing in April of 2016.

Prince Rogers Nelson released over 40 albums in his prolific musical career, which spanned well over four decades.  There’s also reports of an alleged vault which contains another several hundred unreleased songs, various concert tour recordings, and band rehearsals.

Prince, a child prodigy, turned musical genius from Minnesota…reportedly filmed everything during his illustrious 40-year career.  He was considered passionate, driven, and a focused workaholic who worked tirelessly to perfect his craft.  He was also very private, keeping unreleased music and the aforementioned recordings under strict lock and key.

Since passing, his estate has profited from the sale of his previously unreleased material, as well as other gems taken from “the vault”.  As a lifelong fan, I’m a bit torn by the recent events.  Although I’ve enjoyed hearing music that I would have never heard otherwise, I do believe it was his wishes to keep the contents of the vault locked away.

There’s no judgement on my part.  I’m not questioning anyone’s motives.  I’m just curious to know, what Prince would have wanted?  By no means am I suggesting that this is exclusively for monetary gain.  Nor am I implying that it’s a form of exploitation.  It could just merely be a case of his family sharing hidden treasures with the world.  But I’d still love to know his feelings regarding these actions.  We’ll probably never know the truth.

On the bright side…be sure to check out “Piano & A Microphone (Live in 1983)”, “Purple Rain (Deluxe Edition)”, “Originals” and the forthcoming “1999 (Deluxe Edition).  ALL PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED ALBUMS.  They’re well worth the time and energy.  Enjoy…



Butch Ford

Dumbing Down by Butch Ford

Black Boy Graduate

How many of you have heard of the term “Dumbing Down” before?  Well, it’s really a thing and has been for quite some time…especially in the urban (African American) community.  But what does it mean exactly?

Let’s take two kids who have been honor roll students since starting kindergarten.  One male, the other female.  The playing field is level throughout elementary school.  Culturally, both students are admired and respected for being academically gifted.  But somewhere during the middle school years peer pressure becomes prevalent and things begin to change.  But why?

The female student remains highly regarded for continued success in her studies.  While the young man begins to be ridiculed by his male counterparts if he’s perceived as “smart” or gifted.  Why is it not acceptable for our male students to maintain honor roll status?

For some reason, inner city males are not supposed to be intellectual.  And they’re frowned upon if they are.  It’s viewed as being soft or weak in our community.  When and where did this stigma originate?

I know from experience.  I WAS THAT KID.  I was double promoted in elementary and remained an honor roll student until around the 7th grade.  I started being called hurtful and derogatory names.  My solution was to act out while allowing my grades to slip, in order to fit in with the other male students…and to not be singled out.

This behavior and mentality continued throughout my high school years.  I did just enough to skate by…when I was capable of doing and being so much more.  This is called “dumbing down.”  I deliberately underachieved to avoid being bullied and ridiculed.

This continues in our community today.  It’s a major problem among African American males.  But what can we do to prevent it?   We’re too accepting of mediocrity and modicum.  Our male youth deserves better.  There’s more to life than incarceration and an early death.


Butch Ford


A Musical Journey by Butch Ford

Record Store


A Musical Journey by Butch Ford

Let’s have a little fun with today’s topic.  So, join me on a musical journey that spans the better part of three decades.

I touched down in the dead of winter during the fourth quarter of the 1960’s in Detroit, Michigan…post-riot.  Aretha was already “The Queen” around these parts.  The Motown Sound was at its pinnacle. The shiny suits, elegant sequined dresses and meticulous choreography made famous by the Temps, Tops, Supremes & Marvelettes were slowly making way for the more social and politically charged content of “Hitsville” heavyweights Marvin and Stevie.  Black Power was the epicenter.  I have fond memories of my grandparents telling me about the unity and pride displayed by our people during this era as the decade was ending.   Profound!!!

In addition to Black Power, the sound of the early 70’s was about finding and losing love.  There was a mesh of Blue-Eyed Soul combined with down home Rhythm & Blues.  The playlist of AM radio stations enveloped this vast collection of songs.  I don’t recall “all black” radio coming into existence for several more years. You’d hear The Bee Gees, Doobie Brothers & The Average White Band, and a super talented, soulful Caucasian duo out of Philly, played in succession along with Isaac Hayes, Barry White, and those five talented brothers from Gary, Indiana with the dynamic young lead singer.  The daughter of the great Nat King Cole had also made her grand appearance in the spotlight.  Musical Genius Curtis Mayfield had lent his talents to Hollywood for several projects in black cinema Powerhouse groups such as:  The Stylistics, Chi-Lites, Spinners and Dells dazzled audiences far and wide with their quality distinct vocal abilities.

The mid to late 70’s boasted extreme sex appeal, while introducing the masses to The P-Funk and a totally new sound called Disco.  We were captivated by the spirituality of Earth Wind & Fire, intrigued by the tight “pocket” of Chic and utterly blown away by the sounds of Cameo, The Brothers Johnson, Bootsy Collins & Parliament Funkadelic…just to name a few.  Peabo & Teddy P. revolutionized a whole different type of party with the red lights in the basement. Right ladies???  While Gladys & The Pips, The Isleys, Whispers, O’Jays, Commodores and LTD were in heavy rotation in my household. Especially on Saturday mornings during my family’s scheduled housecleaning.

Just down the road, in Ohio there was a Funk Revolution happening with the likes of Zapp, Slave, Lakeside, The Dazz Band and some Players named after the state in which they all originated. While on the local scene The Dramatics, Enchantment, The Jones Girls, Michael Henderson, Chapter 8 and the Floaters were all creating a buzz around town.  And I’d be remised if I failed to mention the diminutive blond from California with the big powerful voice…who everyone thought was black, and her musical mentor out of Buffalo, N.Y. who was more aptly known to tie masses as “Slick” Rick James.

The 80’s saw Michael J. moonwalk his way to the top of the charts, witnessed The Purple Army (featuring The Time, The Revolution, Andre Simone, Vanity 6, Sheila E., Jesse Johnson & Alexander O’Neal) led by “His Purple Badness”  Prince, as he changed the game musically with his infectious Minneapolis Sound. And the incomparable Mr. Vandross crooned his way into our hearts…proving love is eternal.

There was a brief British invasion mid-decade that showcased a plethora of talented acts across “the pond.”  And this was followed by a whirlwind phenomenon that nobody saw coming (but we’ll get to that momentarily). Michael’s baby sister and Whitney were about to embark on historical record setting crossover careers.  Legends like Chaka Khan, Frankie B, Ms. Patti, Sade and Uncle Charlie and his band from Oklahoma were in full stride.  Stephanie, Evelyn and Anita were sangin their butts off as well and were no slouches when it came to great music.  The R&B genre was thriving and in great hands.

Oh…but something epic, something ground-breaking was brewing in New York. There was a new form of musical expression know as Rap.  Rappers or MC’s would rhyme and wordplay in a poetic, rhythmic cadence over dope beats.  Early incarnations were simply designed to rock the party.  Kurtis Blow, The Sugarhill Gang, Grand Master Flash & The Furious Five feat. Melle Mel & Run-DMC were the early pioneers of this new Hip-Hop Movement.

Subsequently, the sound of R&B changed drastically, due to rap music becoming more mainstream. Production teams like Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis and LA Reid & Babyface, along with New Jack Swing creator and innovator Teddy Riley manufactured hits at a prolific pace, rounding out the 80’s, while fusing these two genres.  It was a match made in heaven. New Edition, Bobby Brown, Keith Sweat, Al B. Sure, Guy, Karyn White, Cherrelle and After 7 were all beneficiaries of this new sound.

The early 90’s brought about a renaissance of the singing group.  Boyz II Men, Jodeci, The Tony’s, TLC, EnVogue, SWV, BBD, Troop, and Hi-Five led the way.  While later in the decade Jagged Edge, 112, Destiny’s Child, 702, and Blackstreet made their marks, respectively.  Hit making juggernauts R. Kelly, Mary J. Blige and Gerald Levert were superstars in the making who laid the musical blueprint for years to come.

There were several other artists too numerous to mention.  It just wasn’t possible to list everyone.  I meant no disrespect by omitting anyone.  I simply wanted to spotlight those who were significant in the near 40-year soundtrack of my life.  The “Godfather” James Brown had a huge stamp on all of this.  He was just a little bit before my time…and I didn’t have the accounts or recollection of him personally to share his accomplishments.  But he’s still quite influential in Hip Hop and R&B music today.

In conclusion…artists such as Bobby Womack, Switch (The Debarge Family), Angela Winbush, DJ Quik, Dr. Dre, Aaliyah and The Body Sisters (out of Detroit) were impactful throughout “My Musical Journey” and had to be mentioned. It’s been an incredible ride and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store musically and culturally.

Thanks for Riding Along,


Butch Ford


See the Other Side by Butch Ford

Thoughtful man looking out the window in bedroom at home

See the Other Side by Butch Ford

During my professional career in Human Services…I’ve had the distinct honor of working in the inner-city Public Schools System, the Clinical Psychiatric Field and in Juvenile Detention.  I was blessed to have met some incredible people throughout my journey.  In each of those positions, I encountered individuals dealing with extreme challenges.  A lot of them beyond our comprehension.  Most of them precipitated by social, emotional, and/or economic conditions.  Often…to no fault of their own.  They were commonly judged unfairly and, in most cases, categorized by what was only visible to the naked eye.  All they truly desired was someone to care, who was willing to put forth the effort to help them work through their obstacles.  Or someone to listen to their story.  Sadly, most of the clients couldn’t see beyond their current circumstance.

I always made a point to talk to them regularly, taking the necessary time to familiarize myself with them as well as their cases…to be a support system.  I was always professional; I spoke to them respectfully and I treated them with dignity and class…looking beyond their diagnosis or their charges.  These core values proved to be extremely helpful and were vital in establishing a healthy rapport needed to build trust with the clients.  It was amazing to see how barriers would crumble as we got to the root of several of their issues.

One strategy that I found beneficial was my suggestion for the clients to travel and visit different cities, states or even countries.  My belief was…a change of scenery could potentially lead to a change of lifestyle, a difference of philosophy or perhaps a totally new mindset altogether.  In life, people take on the qualities and mentality of what’s familiar to them or what’s common in their natural habitat.  And as humans we adapt to these surroundings.  The adage is…If you want a different outcome, you must make the necessary changes that are required.

Let Today Be The Start Of Something New. Inspiring Creative Motivation Quote Poster Template. Vector Typography

During my time as a civil servant, I would recommend to the clients that they try to see the other side.  Meaning…see how people in other areas geographically, live differently.  I would encourage them to read and do research of other cultures.  This was a hit with the clients, because their faces would light up with anticipation.  For this was unfathomable to many of them.  The idea of new beginnings never occurred to them.  I think this applies for everyone.  There is more to life than what you presently know.  Everyone should take the time to see the other side.  It could be life changing.  I wonder how many will attempt to try something new.


Butch Ford