Next Quarter Season to get started (once again)! By Chellyz View

Can you believe it? April is here, which means the first quarter in the business world has approached us. Well, to be honest, my report reports that I started off the year procrastinating but ended up pledging an allegiance that I shall not stall any longer. If you have a business, vision, or idea (maybe multiple ones), please know it’s never too late to get started!

I have officially started being consistent with teaching Zumba, launched the email subscription list I have placed on the back burner for years, revamped my business cards, and planned a few special events. My entrepreneurial journey is like that pot of water you left boiling on the stove when you were going to prepare a cup of tea but let it wither away until there was no water left. Maybe, you can or cannot relate. Either way, don’t let your entrepreneurial dreams sizzle in your creative mind until they fade into non-existence.

Congratulations! Your site, A Heart Full of Conversations, passed 10,000 all-time views.

Wow. It’s been several years since I have been blogging and 10,000 people have viewed A Heart Full of Conversations over the years!!!! Well, that’s it for now. Thank you for those who continue to support. I told you last year for those who still follow the blog, my posts would be just enough for you to capture the true meaning of what needs to be said before your mind starts wandering off to what you will be making or ordering for dinner. In conclusion, friends, I just wanted to show up and invite you to join me in excitement! That’s right, let’s be excited about working on our dreams and aspirations together. Start at your own pace, but never stop progressing. Until my next post, I anticipate hearing about your steps to make your business dreams, goals, ideas, and visions a reality!

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!


Featured Image by: katrina-wright-yMg_SMqfoRU-unsplash