You’re FIRED by Klassy K

You’re FIRED! by Klassy K

Home Skillets! What is up? I hope everyone had a safe and pleasant holiday. Last year, we weren’t even thinking about that statement as far as being “safe.” Now, we have to mean it literally. The entire Thanksgiving and probably the rest of the holidays would likely consist of that along with limited family members, checking temperatures at the door, wearing a facemask, gloves, hazmat suits, using hand sanitizers, people eating outside or in the garage. Hey, it may sound crazy, but who knew this would be part of the norm.

Thanksgiving would not be Thanksgiving without watching football; yeah, we eat, maybe drink, but watching football is like the icing on the cake. Getting the family together, well now, you’ll have to be in different rooms while wearing a mask while watching the game. If that is not somewhat uncomfortable, what’s worse is when your team loses. You already know where I am going; the Lions got STOMPED, 25-41. They lost against the Houston Texans, a team that has lost as many games as the Lions

Do you know what I think home skillets? When football teams know that they are playing against the Lions, they probably tell themselves, “it’s like practice,” so let’s go in and have some fun while getting paid at the same time. I’m just saying! So far, the Lions has only won four games this season with a .364 percentile. That’s below the mark to even be a contender in the playoffs.

I know you are like me; the Lions SUCK, and why isn’t the Ford family doing ANYTHING about it! I mean, don’t they get tired of the excuses from both coach and players?! I saw a meme the other day. It had a picture of Matt Patricia, and the caption said, “If a coach was 2020.” Home skillets, OMG! I couldn’t believe it, but where is the lie, though? I mean, Matt Patricia was a defensive coordinator for New England Patriots, but what people don’t understand is that they had Tom Brady, a superstar quarterback from the University of Michigan. We got dreary old 30 something, $100 million overpriced, injured prone, and ungrateful wife Kelly who made a video ranting about our Governor Whitmer’s partial shutdown. Make all the excuses in the world; you guessed it, our quarterback Matthew Stafford.

Why didn’t the owners pick a young, hungry quarterback in the NFL draft? One would never know why? Matthew will probably retire in a few years, and guess what? The owners will have to rush to hire a limited experience been around and never won a championship quarterback. In other words, back to square one.

After three years of being the head coach for the Detroit Lions, Matt Patricia was finally FIRED! “Hit the road Matt and don’t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more, hit the road Matt and don’t ya come back no more, whatcha say!” So, take your overweight, middle-aged, pencil loving wearing, bear looking beard outta here! He tried, and the owners were fed up, but that’s what you get when you hired general manager Bob Quinn, and he brought in his own coach.

Hey, they fired Jim Caldwell with little notice, and at least he improved the Lions record. If memory serves me correctly, the Lions made it to the playoffs. Now it’s scramble time to hire both a new general manager and a coach. Well, I hope the owners take their time this time because guess what? The Lions will always be the team that never won an NFL championship.

Lastly, I would like to dedicate this article to Mrs. Dawson, the owner of A Heart Full of Conversations LLC. She recently lost her grandmother. Send your prayers home skillets, cause we all could use some love.

-Klassy K’s Sports Korner: a contributing writer for

Next Quarter Season to get started (once again)! By Chellyz View

Can you believe it? April is here, which means the first quarter in the business world has approached us. Well, to be honest, my report reports that I started off the year procrastinating but ended up pledging an allegiance that I shall not stall any longer. If you have a business, vision, or idea (maybe multiple ones), please know it’s never too late to get started!

I have officially started being consistent with teaching Zumba, launched the email subscription list I have placed on the back burner for years, revamped my business cards, and planned a few special events. My entrepreneurial journey is like that pot of water you left boiling on the stove when you were going to prepare a cup of tea but let it wither away until there was no water left. Maybe, you can or cannot relate. Either way, don’t let your entrepreneurial dreams sizzle in your creative mind until they fade into non-existence.

Congratulations! Your site, A Heart Full of Conversations, passed 10,000 all-time views.

Wow. It’s been several years since I have been blogging and 10,000 people have viewed A Heart Full of Conversations over the years!!!! Well, that’s it for now. Thank you for those who continue to support. I told you last year for those who still follow the blog, my posts would be just enough for you to capture the true meaning of what needs to be said before your mind starts wandering off to what you will be making or ordering for dinner. In conclusion, friends, I just wanted to show up and invite you to join me in excitement! That’s right, let’s be excited about working on our dreams and aspirations together. Start at your own pace, but never stop progressing. Until my next post, I anticipate hearing about your steps to make your business dreams, goals, ideas, and visions a reality!

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!


Featured Image by: katrina-wright-yMg_SMqfoRU-unsplash

Five Steps to Help You Recover When Life Plans Alter Your Plans by Chellyz View

Just when I decided to show up consistently

I knew this was the year of building at least one steady business! Yes, if you know me, I state that every year—is a new time for hope, opportunities, and business ventures. I was excited with a capital E. My other venture Heart Full of Wellness, was gaining traction. I was on the road to growth. Of course, just like that, something happened. If you heard me state this previously well, I must express this again. I felt like I was in an episode of the show Good Times!!!  If you are familiar with this classic sitcom you would recall as soon as the family was about to live that champagne life….shyt happened. The plans of life were altered repeatedly.  

I was showing up regularly for myself. On Saturdays, I attended a Yoga class with one of my Spiritual Sisters at a not-so-faraway but could-be-closer studio. I wanted to build my skillset and confidence level to teach real-life courses instead of virtually. The Zumba class I taught with my other Spiritual Sister at her church was growing. We were teaching Zumba to an actual crowd. I mean, more than five people were showing up. Consistently!

Oh yeah, I was finally using my gym membership. Besides having fees drawn from my bank account, I was spending time at the gym with a group of others, motivating me. Also, I was offered to teach a summer yoga class in a community garden and would receive a monetary donation. I finally felt my wellness business wasn’t just the seed I planted in the ground but was blossoming into something viable and visible.

Outside of my business, I was preparing to lead a Yoga class once a month at the school I was assigned to. However, the unimaginable happened. An injury in my body occurred, which bullied me into sitting down. I knew my body wasn’t feeling its best. I felt like the egotistical enemy in a Rocky or Creed movie. I arrogantly fought the fight against the pain I was feeling in my body a few times and the outcome wasn’t favorable. My body told me to “Sit down somewhere.” So, for now, that is what I must do. Well, not quite. I continue to fight but strategically!

Dealing with the adjustments

Just like that, my schedule and enthusiasm were altered. I had to revise what exercising or “wellness” looked like to me. I needed to alter my business plans with disappointment. Teaching Zumba classes would be placed on hiatus. Also, no teaching Yoga in the Garden this summer. No gym visits. Take it easy is what the physicians were telling my brain, but depression had a conversation with my heart and said another business venture failed. So, I sat there with sadness while pain invaded me. Just like that, on a Saturday morning, things changed from regular routines of activity to rounds of nothingness. The mind is a powerful tool!!! But, of course, you already know that. So, now that I have survived yet another episode of Good Times in my life, what’s next?

Five Steps that are helping me adjust to alterations of everyday life that can help you too!

Honor your strengths

Observe and recognize the changes that have occurred then focus on your strengths. The injuries my body have sustained may change how I show up in the boxing ring of life (figuratively speaking), but it doesn’t mean I can’t appear in those boxing matches differently. For example, instead of showing up on the Yoga mat, I am practicing Chair Yoga which hasn’t been a stranger to me. Chair Yoga and I used to hang out regularly. I welcomed the practice back into my life and saw the practice as my strength, not my weakness. I taught a chair yoga class session to two parents at the school a week ago!

Utilize your support systems

Remember, support systems mean Support!!!! Reach out and rely on them when needed. My sister continues to teach Zumba, and the participants keep showing up. Though I won’t be able to teach Yoga in the Garden this summer, I have reached out to my Yoga Mentor, who is excited to embrace the opportunity. I haven’t returned to Saturday morning Yoga or Zumba classes yet, but I remembered to keep moving. I revisited Walk away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone on YouTube and work out at my own pace in the living room. Also, I mute the talking and tell Amazon to play my favorite tunes be it ratched or not; don’t judge!

The true meaning of practicing wellness

Sadness engulfed me and made me forget what the true meaning of wellness meant. I was concentrating on wellness from an aspect of being physically fit. When I first introduced Heart Full of Wellness to the world, I incorporated the definition of practicing wellness more from a mental perspective. I even wrote a whole book about changing your mindset entitled, “Caterpillar Dreams to Butterfly Visions,” . I have to remove my ego, change my outlook and most likely reread my book again. Practicing wellness also involves sustaining a healthy mindset to cope with the bad times to appreciate the good times. I wasn’t consistently journaling, meditating, and incorporating mindfulness into my daily routine. I spoke eloquently to others about practicing wellness mentally but wasn’t applying it to myself. 

Read more: Five Steps to Help You Recover When Life Plans Alter Your Plans by Chellyz View
Handle yourself with care

The changes in my life have taught me to keep practicing what I preach. “Listen to your body.” I knew I wasn’t feeling my best, but I pushed through the pain, which caused more damage. If you need to sit down somewhere and mind your business, then do that. Being busy all the time does not mean you’re being productive all of the time. Handle yourself with care physically and emotionally. Take a break. Take a deep breath. Take a pause. Take care of yourself!

Take a moment to process your feelings

It’s alright to be emotional!!! Being angry with myself didn’t look good on me, but I gave myself permission to be angry. If I have a moment where I want to feel sad, then that’s what I do. I process my feelings those wanted and unwanted. Life won’t always be a fairytale but there’s always a lesson to learn in every story. Most importantly, while going through the motions of what I thought was most important, I realized to be thankful in spite of life alterations. Nope it ain’t easy! I am not a robot (spoken in my robotic voice). I’m understanding what it means to practice gratitude as each birthday reminds me, I made it through another year. I recall what I am grateful for in my life to help me stay grounded.

Now what happens!

Oh yeah! Beginning physical therapy is leading me in the right direction to recovery! I continue to “pivot.” Hey, you know I must place a buzzword in here. Yes, I allow myself to be creative, so I won’t give up on myself or my business.

I hope this encouraged you when life doesn’t go as expected, but that doesn’t mean to stop showing up. However, if you continue to find yourself unable to adjust to life alterations and challenges, seek professional help. You deserve to enjoy Good Times, and I don’t mean that in a bad way! Until next time……

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!


Caterpillar Dreams to Butterfly Visions

Featured image for post

Photo by Jeff Stapleton from Pexels:

Have Faith to Complete Your Goals in Life! by Chellyz View

Hello to You and You and YOU!!! Well, it is time for an update. As I mentioned in my post earlier in the year, I will be checking on everybody this Spring. I blinked, and well, it’s Summer. Since we’ve last chatted electronically through this blog, I have done a thing or two! Oh, you want to know? Thanks for asking.

I have been exercising this word FAITH. Thanks for following A Heart Full of Conversations, but I would like to introduce you to my other baby, Heart Full of Wellness, founded when I needed to heal. Heal from grief, stagnation, depression, and the constant news of social injustice. Heart Full of Wellness aims to renew, inspire, and flourish the mind, body, and soul while finding balance in life through Yoga, Zumba, Meditation, and Motivational Quotes! Check out the FB and IG page (Heart Full of Wellness). Heart Full of Wellness became a whole legit entity on October 21, 2020. For almost two years, I have been teaching Zumba, Chair Yoga, and sharing motivational quotes to keep me and YOU inspired. In addition, I will be offering Meditation and Mindfulness sessions in the future.

Not only have I been using tools such as Zumba and Chair Yoga to keep me going, but I completed and published a whole book, everyone! It is entitled, “Caterpillar Dreams to Butterfly Visions: An Inspirational Workbook to Help You Navigate through Your Fears So You Can Fly!” Yes, it was an off-and-on relationship with the writing pen for about five years. I am telling you all this to say have FAITH. Yep, I know if you are anything like myself, you have been second-guessing your first, second, and third move. For now, concentrate on your first move. What is it you want to do at this moment? Say it real loud! What? I didn’t hear you, and I know you didn’t listen to yourself. Repeat it. Louder! Oh, so that is what you want to do? Ok then, I hear you! Now, let’s put this idea into action and complete it!

Available on Amazon or

I have the FAITH that you will be sharing the news about your latest accomplishment(s) soon. Guess what? I have another major project in store, which will be completed before the end of the year. See how that works? I finished that book, and now I continue to use my FAITH to focus on another significant plan. Well, stay tuned for the upcoming project. Hopefully, the next time I check on you, your project will be in the works, and you will have a completion date too!

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!

Adding Creativity to Your Life! by Chellyz View

If you are reading this, then Happy New Year. See, how I did that without adding the s in year! We have reached over 30 days into 2022, and I don’t know about you, but it feels like Day 399. Seriously, I have been tried, tested, and traumatized but still triumphant. So, I have to show gratitude because I am using this platform to write about it. 

You know how I feel about Resolutions. I stopped believing in those a while back. If you don’t remember, check out the post: Hey, I don’t have time for making pledges that I don’t have time to keep. 

I want to talk about my visit to the Detroit Institute of Arts on Saturday, January 15, 2022. I posted a few pictures on the IG page the day after! Check them out at your leisure @aheartfullofconversations. I needed that visit to the DIA for a bit of inspiration; what better way to honor your creativity than to go to a museum to be inspired by other artists who visualized the big picture and allowed it to come to life on canvas or other forms such as a statue or photographs. So, first, I viewed cars from the 1950s to 1960s at the Detroit Style exhibit. 

From DIA Exhibit: Detroit Style Car Design in the Motor City 1950-2020

Then, I stood in awe while viewing the paintings from the Shield of the Nile Reflections exhibit brought to you by Shirley Woodson, who is 86 years young. Next, I perused three floors of artifacts, culture, and portraits that either made me say, hey, I could have done that or left me speechless because of its profound beauty.

Arts of Africa Exhibit at the DIA

Are you showing up today to ask yourself how you can be creative this year? What’s influencing you? Will it be a trip to your local museum? How about encouraging words from a video you just watched on social media? Will you be writing in a journal? Do you think you will be creating a vision board? Oh yeah, I’ve done that also. Check out my board of creativity below!

My Infamous Vision Board

We have a whole year to express our creative side. I don’t want you to reach day 355 and talk about I should have done this, and I should have done that. Be creative. Bring a splash of excitement to your life. Be it wearing bright, bold colors, which I was afraid to do because I felt safe wearing earth tones. It might be deciding to write with a purple pen. Hey, do you still own a pen? Or, it could be trying something new at your favorite restaurant. Cause you know me, I’m either ordering the Fettucine Alfredo with Shrimp or Chicken or the Salmon with Asparagus. Whatever you do, be creative. Enjoy life because it’s been challenging these past couple of years dealing with well; I’m not even mentioning it. 

Alright, keep me posted about how you welcomed a little creativity in 2022. Comment on this post to keep me updated. Until next time, I will check on you in the Spring!  

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!

Featured Image by Ashray Dravidian on Unsplash

Tis the Season to Just Figure it Out by Chellyz View

Hello Detroiters, those in the Metropolitan surrounding areas and beyond!  It’s the Holiday Season.  You may be full of cheer or feeling quite Bah-Humbug or just trying to figure it out!  Either way, just stopping by to bring you good tidings, a Lil cheer, and encouragement.  My emotions are generally the same for my two favorite holidays, Halloween, and Christmas:  excited and excited! However, with the children getting grown and losing people I dearly loved, the dynamics of life are…changing.  I don’t stay up until 5:00 am imperfectly covering gifts with overpriced pretty paper and bows while praying I don’t run out of scotch tape.  Unfortunately, I didn’t pay attention in the kitchen when my grannies were cooking, so the recipes of homemade rolls, sweet potato pies, and thee best cakes on this Earth are no longer attached to my life. 

Last year, I informed you of losing my Granny  She was the last surviving member of the group known as my Most Valuable Powerhouse Grandparents .  I was blessed to have 3 Grannies and 3 Granddaddies.  My paternal grandparents dissolved their marriage and married new mates long before I was conceived.  That is how I was blessed with three sets of beautiful grandparents who spoiled me royally.  Well, to say the least many of you might be missing grandparents, parents, and loved ones.  Whatever you do, I pray that you get the help and support you deserve to function through grief, depression, or emotional roller coaster rides.

As we are in this Holiday season trying to figure out life and closing out another year, figure out each day the best way you can. If you don’t have the money to shop, don’t worry about it.  If you do, I hope you don’t overspend like I used to. But, on the other hand if you feel like chilling in your PJs living your best life, then do that.  We get so wrapped up in finding the perfect gift or stuck in how things used to be that we forget to be present in the now (I know I must have told you this before).

Whatever you decide to do this holiday season, make sure you find peace with it and in it.  Yes, reminisce about the good old days, and sit with whatever emotion you need to have as company. But, if those visitors that are causing you pain won’t leave, please seek help.

If you are up to it, experience something new you can add to your repertoire.  Honor traditions that are meaningful to you but be intentional about stirring up some new memories to savor.  Well, that’s it for now!   My gift to you is learning how to keep these posts simple yet informative! 

Happy Holidays!

-Chellyz View

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!

Here are some helpful links to help you stay sane!

(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)

1-800-662-HELP (4357)

The Samaritans

Wherever You Are, You Can Love Detroit! by Chellyz View

I might receive a little or lot of feedback from this post.  People may even think harsh words such as “sell-out,” “fake,” or who knows what.   Well, here it goes.  I have been singing the same tune for many years, “I will never move out of the city of Detroit.” I was really feeling this when I wrote, But lately, the song I sing has been quite different. So, here it goes, and it is just a melody, but I have heard the tune of, “I can move if I want to.  I don’t owe anybody anything.” My new Mantra is: “I gotta save myself, before I can try to save anybody else or I will be lost forever!”

I know my last post brought up the fact that there is still goodness in Detroit  My heart will always love Detroit. But, who knows, I will probably never move. However, I was very critical of individuals who left, but I felt all emotional because I never dared myself to step out on faith and explore new surroundings.

Next year my daughter will be graduating from high school, and she is excited about attending college out of state.  She is also considering attending a college in MI but living on campus. So, I am feeling sad and excited at the same time.  I am realizing that the time is flying by and she will be leaving the nest soon. However, I am enthusiastic because she is more adventurous than I was at her age. A new environment is what she thrives for. I understand.

Four years from now, my son will also be leaving.  Though he is not sure if staying in Detroit or any parts of Michigan is the plan, he did indicate he would like to move to another area just for a little while.  However, he did reassure me that he would return to Detroit to give back to the community.  A change of scenery is needed for his well-being.  I understand!

Over the years, I have known people who desired to have a change of pace or wanted to find new opportunities.  There have been friends and family who left and returned. There have also been those who relocated and never longed to move back, but that does not mean they don’t love the city.  I am beginning to realize I am getting older.  I have more years behind me instead of in front of me.  I know you have heard your elders state this phrase before.  Well, now here I am reaffirming the statement.  Move how you want, but it doesn’t mean you or even me can’t love this beautiful place from wherever we are!

I guess I am writing this to state, and it is not like anybody needs me to say this but do what makes you content. Leave, stay or return; if you love Detroit, no matter where you are, that will never change. I am preaching to myself as well.  Whether I stay or leave, Detroit will always be in my heart.  Live your life, love this life and do what you need in life to make yourself happy wherever your soul leads you.  Until next time……… 

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!

DETROIT: Reflection on What’s Good Here! by Chellyz View

The news blasted, and I heard a voice on the television telling its viewers of sob stories. Hearts dropped. Questions lingered. Ears pierced with the sounds of sadness roaming throughout the room. The headlines told of situations that were becoming too familiar. However, I want to take this time to switch the narrative. I just need to turn off the madness and shed light on what’s still good here.

Believe it or not, there is still good here! Slow rolls on bikes. A leisure game of basketball is happening at the park or on the street where you will find a milk crate serving as a hoop. Children are playing tag. Yes, the aroma of BBQ wishing I had learned to be a better cook. Awwww yeah, that’s my song. You know there is a hustle to that one. Consuming chips that are Better when they are Made from the D. 

Enjoying good ol’ pop, known as Vernors (or soda if you are from another region) with healing properties that can cure a tummy ache. Hmmmm, or maybe just buy a Faygo at the store. Any flavor will satisfy your palate.  

Too often, we are inundated with another sad incident, but it is still good here. Strolls along the Riverwalk. Excited by telling people, “We got a whole Island in our city.” Snacking on Coney Dogs or Chili Fries that make your toes curl and heart smile.  

Retrieved from YouTube from Hardcore Detroit video entitled, “Detroit Jit battle in Capitol Park!!! Final Battle”

I’m reminiscing about wishing to know how to Jit as I tap my feet to some ol’ school music. “Where you from, who you wit?” I reply, “The Motor City, and I’m just chillin’ by myself.”

Yes, there are layers to this ish, and if you are bold enough to remove them, you will discover it is still good here.

Some neighborhoods have historic homes and are close-knit. We are more than abandoned houses and empty fields. There is a richness here, and if you haven’t heard, people from the outskirts are trying to purchase many of the properties and land this side of Eight Mile.  

The sounds of ice cream trucks. The evidence that legends were born here if you ever drive by that studio called Motown. I know there are times it may not feel like it, but there are still good attributes here. 

Yes, some challenging issues need to be addressed, but I ain’t here to visit that right now. I just showed up for a second to remind you to invest the time to find what is good here such as museums, festivals, or tours (if you’re not comfortable yet, wait until the Covid-19 numbers decrease) because it’s truly worth it. I can go on and on about what’s good here like fresh styled box braids flowing in the wind.  

I know you have some fond memories and gentle reminders that it ain’t all bad in the 313. Please share them with me when you have a lil time. No matter what the doubters state, I am here to tell you, “There’s still goodness here! There’s still goodness in Detroit!”  

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!


Hardcore Detroit video retrieved from YouTube, “Detroit Jit battle in Capitol Park!!! Final Battle.”

Adapting My Mind to a New Perspective about Yoga! by Chellyz View

Chair Yoga is Giving me LIFE!!!

Adapting My Mind to a New Perspective about Yoga! by Chellyz View

I am trying to remember my first encounter with Yoga. There was a mat, people who may not have resembled me, the instructor, and a studio. I have practiced Yoga, or should I state, inconsistently participated the art form on the mat for years. However, it wasn’t until I enrolled in the 200hour Yoga Teacher Training Program offered by My Vinyasa Practice and conducting the research that I had a newfound realization about the Practice. It is different for everyone and can be for anyone, especially for people who look like me! 

2020 was so disrespectful!

It’s incredible how we discuss healing but are hesitant about finding methods to help us heal. 2020 was grueling, challenging, upsetting, and downright disrespectful. I’ve said this before but let me state this again, a national health crisis by the name of COVID-19, the ills of racism, the pain from witnessing police brutality, and the aggressive death angel who snatched my beloved granny by November 2020 was too much. Rewinding to June 2020, a confident being by the name of Imani @imaniizlove shared that there were Scholarships available for People of Color to obtain their 200YTT certification. After applying, I was one of the hundreds of recipients awarded the scholarship, but I was scuuuurrreedd, nervous, and excited all at once! 

Subconsciously, I knew I wanted to be a Yoga Teacher. As I mature in life, healing and trying to maintain my sanity are essential values that I have adopted. Yoga would help me remain afloat, and I could assist others to stay above water with me. Still, after observing others on their journey and remembering my experiences with the Practice, I began to believe that it wasn’t designed for me (a woman of color). I would practice and study on and off, but I felt intimidated, so I didn’t take this opportunity as seriously as I should have.

Allow people to help when you need it!

Eventually, by the end of September 2020, the Holy Spirit allowed me to cross paths with Queen Yoga Pro Sis Jinave, who graduated from the program in January 2021. She taught me to start embracing my journey as a Yoga Teacher in Training, quit overthinking the process, and challenged me to create and present Yoga flows. She held me accountable! Also, she stressed Yoga is practiced on the mat and most definitely off the mat. By November and December, I read more and more about this Ancient Practice’s philosophy, but it wasn’t until January 2021 I became dedicated to practicing more consistently. By then, Queen Yoga Pro Sis Jinave @baldheadedbusiness introduced me to the P.H.D. Queen of Yoga Maya @naturallymaya. These two mentors were not placed on this Earth to play. They showed me that Women of Color in this world show up and show out to help and heal with Yoga by their definition and not how society “believes” it should be.  

Since increasing my knowledge base about Yoga, I have learned that there are adaptations to various poses and different forms such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Restorative. My brain was dancing with delight as I mentally absorbed the foundations and concepts of Yoga. I knew this was a lifetime journey that I can apply to myself daily. I was learning about Compassionate Self-Forgiveness in the program. I was retaining valuable information about the Yamas and Niyamas of Yoga which are the first two paths of the eight-limbed paths of Patanjali. These first two limbs can be described as the moral codes of conduct for Yoga. There are five concepts associated with the Yamas and five concepts related to the Niyamas. The Yama principle that stood out for me was Brachmachaya (moderation). 

My path to enlightenment is ongoing. I am dedicated to building a stronger relationship with the Holy Spirit. I am integrating the philosophies of Yoga to help me to become a better human at home, work, and in the community. I am patient with myself as I learn about standing poses, inversions, flexions, and extensions. Earlier in my training, I eagerly tried to jump into bridge pose as a beginner and was traumatized for two weeks. It made me realize I must build myself to that point. Again, there’s that word MODERATION! Take your time with the Practice! Learn at your own pace. 

Sometimes you have to block out the negativity

Two years ago, I was at a Yoga Studio attempting to move into a pose (asana), and a lady turned and looked at me and stated, “Oh, you are doing it wrong.” I just looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. However, I wanted to yell and say, “Who are You? You don’t know me like that.” Any who, now, I know there is no right or wrong way to evolve or allow your body to move into a pose. We don’t have to adapt our bodies to Yoga when feeling bullied in a studio, watching some You Tube video, Instagram post or Tik Tok Challenge. However, Yoga must adapt to our bodies. When trained properly, we can safely make Yoga look like we want to as we allow ourselves to heal. People need to understand it is perfectly fine to “modify a pose!” I am sharing the fundamentals I am acquiring about the Practice with my teenaged daughter as she shows interest in Yoga. She recognizes when the world tries to convince her how Yoga “should” look, they are wrong. 

I also learned about unwanted samskaras. Those are the negative thoughts I continue to welcome into my life after showing them the exit door. Yes, they kept walking back into my life and were holding on so tight that I almost strangled myself with constant self-doubt. I thought I had recovered from this, but I needed a gentle reminder to slow my thoughts, release the pain and breathe. I am becoming more self-disciplined when focusing on life goals. I will be a Yoga Teacher offering light in times of despair. I am strength. I will be compassionate to myself and others so we can welcome healing into our hearts and souls.

I am appreciative to all those who are helping me on this journey. I am thankful for the program and scholarships founder Michelle Young of My Vinyasa Practice, and the organization Yoga Pose has offered to allow scholars of color to obtain their 200YTT certification at no cost. I have delved deeper into understanding the foundations of the Practice and feel more confident. Yes, Yoga is inclusive, and there is space for every race and shape to enjoy its mental and physical healing powers! Namaste!    

I have Graduated! Now time to teach and practice with YOU!

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!

Juwan Howard a.k.a “Mr. Shocked the World” by Klassy K

TY321H Miami Heat’s Juwan Howard appears backstage with the Best Team award during the ESPY Awards at Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles on July 11, 2012. UPI/Jim Ruymen

Juwan Howard a.k.a “Mr. Shocked the World” by Klassy K

The Michigan Wolverines are in the sweet sixteen! Home Skillets, this will be the University of Michigan’s fourth consecutive time being in the sweet sixteen. I don’t know about y’all, but I am super excited! I am even more excited because one of the infamous Fab Five Juwan Howard, the head coach, is “shocking the world” well, maybe Michiganders in his second year coaching the Wolverines and taking them to the promised land. Well, I may be jumping the gun home skillets. I can remember back in 91-92 after Juwan Howard, beaten a top-contending college team in the semi-finals while coming towards the locker room, shouted, “Told ya’ll we were going to shock the world” on national T.V!

I mean, he was super hyped! I was hyped for him only because I was a senior in high school, and wouldn’t that be the icing on the cake to have my hometown team, the University of Michigan, become NCAA champions and beat the hell out of Duck, I mean Duke. Of course, we all know what happened during that era, and trust me, I don’t plan on talking about that. The Fab Five consisted of some of the best college basketball players during that time, and I just knew they were all going to go pro. Well, only Juwan, Jalen Rose, and of course Chris Webber, the others did not. I was shocked to learn that, especially since there is no “I” in “team” because they ALL played exceptionally well.

Even though Juwan Howard never got the opportunity to become an NCAA champion, he did become an NBA champion while playing for the Miami Heat. If I were Jalen and Chris, I’d be hating on Juwan, for real, for real. Both were exceptional players and played for outstanding NBA teams; even Chris Webber played for the Detroit Pistons. Ahh, let’s not get into that because that was a disaster. Any who, I mean, Jalen and Chris even have exceptional careers as professional basketball sports announcers! Hey, got to love it; it pays the bills, right?

I mean, Juwan Howard is coaching college basketball at his alma mater with a record of 22-4; an NBA champion, and was also just named USBWA National Coach of the year! And guess what? He is only 48 years old! Did I mention that he took his team to the Sweet Sixteen in just two years as a coach? Y’all don’t hear me. I SAID Juwan Howard, a young black and still fine NBA champion, coached his team to the Sweet Sixteen in just under two years and USBWA National Coach of the Year! Mann, that man is a Savage, “sexy, rich, happily married with six kids, what’s happening! Let’s get ready to pop open the Faygo, tear open the Better Made potato chips, and get ready for some college B-A-S-K-E-T-BALL.

The Michigan Wolverines will be playing Florida State this Sunday, March 28th. Check your local listings for time and channel. Home Skillets, I must take this time to apologize to Mr. Shocked the World because, in my last blog, I mentioned that Izzo should teach younger Juwan how “it’s done,” but Michigan State got eliminated before I could get my second stimmy. So, Mr. Shocked the World or Coach of the Year, I am sorry that I doubted your coaching ability. I must have gotten you twisted up with someone else. What’s the name of that coach that coaches the Detroit Pistons? Never mind. Home Skillets get ready for the Detroit Tigers opening day on April 1st. The weather should be nice; hopefully, it can be 70 degrees one day and 30 degrees the next because you know Michigan. Stay safe!

– Klassy K’s Sports Korner: A contributor writer for

A Historic Moment by Klassy K

HOME SKILLETS!! I’m so pumped as I write this. The NBA All-Star game was this past Sunday, March 7th. I was NOT expecting the NBA league to dedicate this game format in honor of HBCUs! The Team Lebron vs. Team Durant competed to raise money for the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and United Negro College Fund. Team Lebron beat Team Durant 170-150, which I was trying to understand why they named the team “Durant” because he did not even play. Well, it was rumored that he caught the “Rona,” and due to “health restrictions,” he was not going to play, but in my Ms. Benita Butrell voice, “I ain’t the one to gossip, so you ain’t heard it from me. But I hope it is not valid. I wouldn’t want my worse enemy to have the Coronavirus; it’s still causing people to die. 

The All-Star game took place in Atlanta, GA, “HOTLANTA,” and you would think with the Coronavirus lurking, people would not be outside partying, going to the clubs, or turning it up. However, people could not contain their excitement, especially when something was exciting happening in their hometown. The All-Star game, but I renamed it the NBA, finally acknowledged the Historical Black Colleges and Universities game, a historical event. I could not contain my excitement!

I give a shout-out to everyone that participated in coordinating this historical event because the NBA has NEVER, I mean never showcased a historical event such as this. I mean from the Battle of the Bands via a screen when introducing the NBA players in the background from Florida A&M University (FAMU) and my alumni rivalry Grambling State University (GSU). Top athletes and referees that graduated from HBCUs were showcased, and black artwork was displayed on the basketball court. HBCU students watched history unfold in the comforts of their homes. I mean, it was great, from the beginning to the end. I could not help but reminisce about my days on campus at Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, LA, a skinny kid from the D enrolling as a Freshman in the Fall of 1992. 

I am a proud HBCU graduate, and when you hear that a person attended or graduated from an HBCU, just know that it is black excellence. Educated black people founded black colleges and universities. Some of the greatest sororities and fraternities were founded at HBCU’s by educated black people; some of the most outstanding athletes attended an HBCU, as well as inventors, teachers, and doctors. Even the first Madame, excuse me, let me get it right, 1st African American and Asian Woman Madame Vice President.

And for you PWI’s (private white institutions) graduates, do not hate, just know that our marching bands are way better than yours will ever be. And speaking of PWI’s, Michigan State University beat the University of Michigan, and March Madness is just around the corner! Home skillets, do you think Juwan Howard can take U of M all the way, or do you think Mr. IZZO to the IZZY show Youngin Howard how it’s done? Well, speaking of done, Blake Griffin is no longer a Detroit Piston, signed to the Brooklyn Nets, and his “double-cross” show is set to air next week. That is so fitting, isn’t it?

– Klassy K’s Sports Korner: A contributor writer for