What the Hell You Mean Stay Home? by Chellyz View


What the Hell You Mean Stay Home! by Chellyz View

A few weeks before the “Stay at Home” mandate, which means only leave out for essential business, I was feeling too busy! Every day after work, there was something to be done. My son had rehearsals, and my daughter had appointments. I attended meetings here and there for personal development, the new semester of my weekly Biblical Bible Class was beginning, off to an empowering event, outings with a few friends, and there were extracurricular workshops for the kids on an early Saturday morning. That’s the shortlist. I told a few of my co-workers; I needed a moment to rest and take a break from all the extras in life. Who knew it would happen like this! Suddenly, the whole world was disrupted. This terrifying nightmare isn’t what I imagined, planned, or ordered.

When I had the opportunity to work remotely from home and slow down a bit, I wasn’t bothered. I am at a place where I love being in company with myself.  I enjoy streaming and watching a movie or mini-series with the help of Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime with or without the Fam. I act a fool while having my private dance parties jamming to Classic R & B, Trap Music, the latest hits, or Old Skool Hip Hop. I debate with the online radio as I consume the information. Let me not forget my participation in Praise and Worship services by watching Kingdom on Facebook, googling a sermon online, or listening to some Good Ol’ Gospel Music to Lift My Spirits. As you can see, I didn’t have a difficult time adjusting because I can be an introvert at heart. However, this is not the case for everyone!

The Stay at Home Order could be a life sentence for many. The order can be very depressing and challenging for those who don’t know how to rest, deal with loneliness, trying to escape abuse, or may not have a place of their own to call home. Yes, some people don’t have a home to stay in.  This order can be overwhelming by not being able to socialize with others in the outside world, and you may feel isolated while working from home. Seniors who are homebound may feel helpless. Students are missing their teachers and peers. Well, maybe not the students who felt bullied at school or the personnel suffering from burnout. Young folks want to be young and live their best life. In times like these, we must be creative and obedient when the order is to “Stay Home,” if possible!!!!

If you need fresh air, open a window. I am going to sit on my back porch (not in a large group). If you feel lonely, phone a friend, start a group chat, or contact a distant or elderly relative. Keep a journal. Color. Do a crossword puzzle. Read a magazine or a book. Oh, you can talk to other members of your household. Exercise. From a spiritual perspective, read the Word!!!! Play board games. Organize. Find a free online class. For those who live alone, find virtual meetings that might pique your interest. Call a hotline if you feel you can’t cope. Ask for resources. Senior apartment building managers develop a phone buddy list for neighbors to check on each other.

I know there are many activities we can do to keep our minds right, but follow the rules and only go outside if you must. I know there are the front line and essential workers that don’t have the option to stay home. I am praying for your safety. I am forever thankful for your service. Too many precious lives have succumbed to this devastating illness.

Doors Closed

Yes, I know this is not going to last forever. I have hope. I try to be as cautious as I can when I must go to the store. The hub doesn’t have the option to stay home, and he still must go to work. I replace Fear with Faith. Yet, let me be honest. I have moments when I feel afraid or burdened with grief because I hear of an individual dying, a loved one is suffering, or someone else sharing a story of how this disease invaded their lives. I fervently pray that Covid-19 doesn’t show up at my door.

Many lessons are being revealed. We must learn to listen, pay attention, and guess what? Do something many of us don’t know how to do. Stay Home! We will find out how disconnected we are in our lives because we have been connected to what we thought was important. As stated in an earlier post, this lesson is more profound than just washing our hands. It is a lesson about how the Earth is being cleansed from selfishness, greediness, disobedience, and understanding we should not idolize material things.

Our biggest enemy is ourselves. Many of us don’t want to follow the rules. We want to be above the law. How dare anyone tell us what to do. Many continue to congregate in large crowds, people are coughing on produce as a joke, some megachurches are still holding Sunday Services, and there are other examples where we won’t stop moving. We won’t listen. The Holy Spirit, or what you believe in, is trying to tell us to be still, take heed, and become more disciplined. Once we learn how to do this, then the process of true healing will begin in this nation!

-Let your heart be full of new ventures that will lead you to the possibilities of limitless conversations!







Featured Image:  Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash






Silver Lining by Butch Ford

family together

Silver Lining by Butch Ford

It’s March 2020, and the world is amidst chaos and disorder dealing with the pandemic known as COVID-19 or the coronavirus. An outbreak that seemingly appeared overnight and has wreaked havoc and disrupted our daily lives as we know them.

Schools nationwide have closed their doors, companies have ceased operations, and bars and restaurants are open for take-out only with early closing hours. Everyone has been ordered to self-quarantine and stay home for a minimum of 14 days to decrease the chance of spreading and contracting the disease. Supplies such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer, bleach, and other disinfectants haven’t been available to consumers for over a week. And panic has set in. Everyone is in an uproar. Stores are price gouging, and consumers are hoarding items…whenever they can find them. The stress level of the general public is at an all-time high.

Let’s take a slightly different look at this. Children and parents are at home together. Society has an opportunity to reinvent family. It’s a time to recall past traditions and reacquaint ourselves with the true meaning of family. We can start by praying and eating meals together and communicating with each other. We can attempt to reform and rebuild all that has been damaged over the past several decades.

The new generation needs to have knowledge of the way life used to be before social media, video games, and lack of direction (as a people). COVID-19 is a horrible catastrophe that’s taken us all by storm. But there could be a silver lining, as well. Stay tuned.


Butch Ford

Dear Coronavirus, you suck! Sincerely, Everyone by Klassy K

Dear Coronavirus

Dear Coronavirus, you suck! Sincerely, Everyone by Klassy K

Dear Home Skillets, we are gathered here today to live through this thing called life. I know we have dealt with a lot of viruses, and it’s been a very long time, but I’m here to tell ya, it’s something else, the coronavirus. I wondered what Prince was thinking when he wrote the song, “Let’s go crazy,” cause that’s exactly what is going on in the world today. From school closures, travel restrictions, some businesses local and private shutting down, college institutions, etc. Even all sporting events canceled, including NFL, NBA, College: March Madness, golf events, etc.  It makes you wonder. How did this happen so quickly?

The coronavirus pandemic started in late January of this year, supposedly started in China.  But how do we know if that’s actually true? If you go to the CDC website, it will show you how many other countries, including the United States that are infected. I know some of you are wondering, how did so many people from China travel to the different parts of the world? Was it transported by airplane, boat, car, train, etc. one could only assume? But one could also argue, was it airborne? If not, how would you explain it, because the virus spread so damn quickly? It went from 22 cases in China back in January to over 90,000 cases around the world? Really?

But the real question I want to ask is why your President just recently addressed the nation only a couple of weeks ago? Why did he go on national T.V. and tell us what we already knew? But what’s so sad about all of this, it’s something that we ALL should do daily, wash your hands, cover your mouth if you sneeze or cough and if you/or your child is sick, STAY HOME!  So, once this is all over, I betcha you will re-think next time about bringing your ill child to school, daycare, or over the babysitter’s house because you don’t want to guess what somebody else “might” get. This coronavirus is nothing like a common cold or flu. I know Spring is coming up and some of you may start sneezing, you may say you have allergies, but that does qualify under the coronavirus as well.

It seems like ever since ex-Piston Andre Drummond and Reggie Jackson were traded, the coronavirus came out the blue. Just kidding, but now Piston player Christian Wood recently tested positive along with Two Utah Jazz players. Now, Kevin Durant! Don’t know when we will be getting some sports entertainment! Sports could ease the craziness that is going on, but others may not even care. However, we gotta be careful. I was looking at WWE the other night, and they played in an empty arena. But, it’s better to be safe than sorry. I guess in the meantime, all you die-hard sports fans can watch re-runs on YouTube, pray to God for a cure, or that the virus will soon subside. Well, I guess all of us should do that.

I have to say this is truly an eye-opener for me, this is nothing like the other viruses that we have encountered, like SARS, Ebola, etc. Somehow, we have not heard about them anymore? It’s also crazy that some new virus surfaces around elections or every other two or four years and who came up with the name? Corona? Like the “foreign” beer?  Hey, home skillets, it makes you wonder. But please reach out to your love ones, stop driving your car on E, buy food in bulk (especially toilet paper), if you can afford it, have some rainy day money in your bank account or under your mattress. God helps us all!  

– Klassy K’s Sport Korner: A contributor writer      for http://www.aheartfullofconversations.com

COVID-19 by Butch Ford


COVID-19 by Butch Ford

The Coronavirus or COVID-19…what is it? Where did it originate? And what’s up wit it? We all would like to know. There are several different theories. But only selected individuals genuinely know the answers to our questions.

The definition of a pandemic is the outbreak of disease prevalent over a whole country or the world. Well, this is what we’re facing today. And it’s scary. But should we be? I’m not a conspiracy theorist; however, I have raised my antennas.

I honestly don’t know what to believe. Is this whole thing legit? Or is it a distraction? Are we being lied to or manipulated? It’s all very confusing to me. I saw a graph outlining proof wherein every election year, a new epidemic miraculously surfaces. Coincidence???

Sadly…I don’t put anything past “The Powers That Be.” I’ve lost trust in the system. Although alarmed, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was part of a bigger plan or a hidden agenda. I’ve heard mumblings that if the country is under the State of Emergency, the Commander in Chief reserves the right to postpone the election and retain office for an additional two years. I’ve also heard others mention that the current headlines take the attention off the stock market…which is quietly dropping.

Professional and collegiate athletics have suspended operations indefinitely, and international travel could potentially be in jeopardy. Universities have canceled all in-person campus classes and have plans in place to resume academics on-line.  I ask that everyone keep your eyes and ears open. This could very well be an actual catastrophe of epic proportions, or it could be all smoke & mirrors. We don’t know yet. Everything is such a big secret. Only time will tell, but we need answers. Until we get them…stay safe and take care of one another.


Butch Ford

It Starts Now by Butch Ford

Fractured Flag

It Starts Now by Butch Ford

Because it’s that time again…I’d like to discuss the upcoming 2020 Election. Now I’m not much of a political expert. Nor do I claim to be overly knowledgeable on the subject of politics. However…I know that I strongly dislike smear campaign tactics and negative election strategy. That’s when a candidate or candidates use negative information acquired about an opponent to slander his/her character. The objective…obviously being to gain political favor or to sway the opinion of the general public/voters.

I’m on record with my personal feelings regarding political affiliation and voters sticking close to familiar party lines. Again…that’s the individual’s preference. I ask that the voters do extensive research and familiarize themselves with all the facts before making a final decision on their candidate. Politics is a dirty game, people. Most involved aren’t very noble or upstanding, and EVERYONE seems to have an agenda!

I’m not judging anyone’s political views. It’s your right to vote whatever way you see fit. Whether you lean towards the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, or vote Independent…just make a sound decision based on the candidate’s morals, values, and character. Is your selection a decent human being? Does he or she have the best interest of the American citizens in mind? Will they represent our Nation in a dignified, classy, and presidential manner?

We deserve better! We’ve been lied to, insulted, and embarrassed for far too long. It’s time that we get back to respectability and begin repairing the relationships that have been damaged by the current administration. We are the laughing stock of the free world, and they view us as a joke or a side-show. We used to be a proud country. What happened to us? How did we get here? We can be that again, but we have to come together and work peacefully. And it starts with the upcoming election.


Butch Ford